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Colin Hogan’s Avatar

Colin Hogan

Product Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Dallas, Texas
2 Answers
8441 Reads
1 Karma

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Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Jul 30, 2020 3205 views

Other than a degree, what other skills are necessary in a marketing career?

What other skills come in handy or look good on a resume for a marketing career? #JULY20 #career #career-path #resume #skills #marketing

So24fia’s Avatar
So24fia May 06, 2022 5968 views

How to make a good CV ?


I was wondering what makes a good CV.

I am a bachelor student majoring in computer science and minoring in business administration. I still don't have any work experience, how can I attract the real world with my CV?

Thank you!