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Fayetteville, North Carolina
2 Questions
31 Karma

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Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 18, 2016 908 views

What is the greatest lesson you have learned from your students? How have your students made teaching art worthwhile?

Over the course of my high school career I have had the pleasure of being taught by two amazing art teachers. They both have inspired me to become an art teacher myself. I have learned so much about the world as well as my own self and now I would like to know how we, the students, have...

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 18, 2016 1060 views

What has been the most impactful aspect of being able to interpret American Sign Language?

I want to get into sign language interpreting in the future. I've always believed that simply having a job for the sake of money is boring and useless so I'd like to know how having this job has impacted individuals personally. #asl