Tori ’s Career Goals
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If my long term goal is to be a elemantary principal would it be smarter to become a teacher first or just go to college to become a principal?
I feel like becoming a teacher would be the smart thing to do, but I also don't want to waist my time. My short term goal is to be a teacher gain experience and then become a principal. Then my long term goal is to be a principal so I just need to know if I need the experience of being a...

If I become an elemantary teacher, how much teaching freedom will I have?
I am asking this questions because if I become a teacher I want to be a teacher that has class outside sometimes. I want kids to learn in a fun, hands on way. This is one of the main reason I want to be a teacher and it would be great to know now if I will be able to do things like this. #education