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Joshua Dodge’s Avatar

Joshua Dodge

Wealth management
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Weehawken, New Jersey
5 Answers
13191 Reads
21 Karma

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leslie’s Avatar
leslie Apr 30, 2021 4784 views

what is the diffrence between a associates degree and a bachelors degree?

I really want to be a nurse but dont really know what classes to take or how many years is better #career

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Mar 13, 2019 7931 views

What do you enjoy the most about your job that you have?

What task or part of your job and task is the best in your opinion? #career

MrVibes’s Avatar
MrVibes Aug 24, 2022 338 views

What is your favorite career in general my favorite career or the one i would be most interested in would be Anesthesiologist Assistants

What is your favorite career in general my favorite career or the one i would be most interested in would be Anesthesiologist Assistants

Almaz’s Avatar
Almaz Aug 23, 2022 932 views

What is the best first coding language?

What is the best coding language for beginners?

Kayana’s Avatar
Kayana Jun 21, 2022 3131 views

What are the best universities to study business, finance, accounting?

I have heard about Harvard way too often, but it seems overly competitive and expensive.