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Lauren Burfitt’s Avatar

Lauren Burfitt

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Houston, Texas
2 Answers
2276 Reads
1 Karma

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Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 24, 2018 1328 views

Agency or Industry? The ultimate PR question!

I am graduating in May of this year and there is a lot of talk about going into an agency profession or starting out in industry. I know I want to do social media management, but I don't know if I should start out in agency or industry. Is agency as scary and difficult as people say it is?...

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Jan 25, 2018 2448 views

How to build up your confidence? How to be good at communicating with people?

Everyone would sort of encounters this kind of problem. For an introvert, how should we act to overcome the fear to communicate with people. Even though we did not mean something, but our timidity always prevent us from getting our message across. How to make introverts become confident?...