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San Francisco, California
10 Questions
681 Karma

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Sabine May 23, 2016 1425 views

Should I have a LinkedIn account to start the job search process?

Is this beneficial to the 20 and under age range? What types of experiences should I add? Any other tips? #resume #linkedin #linkedin-recruiter

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Sabine May 23, 2016 828 views

What are the various jobs available from majoring in Psychology and Legal Studies?

What are some ways to intertwine the two fields? Are there certain jobs that draw aspects from both? #psychology #law

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Sabine May 23, 2016 1614 views

How can I make the best resume possible?

Are there key things interviewers are looking for to "wow" them? #resume

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Sabine May 23, 2016 1767 views

What kind of internships should a student planning to pursue law try to get?

What field is most beneficial or will give good experience for a future in Law School? #law #internship

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Sabine May 23, 2016 1357 views

How do most people enter the clinical psychology profession?

What comes next after a bachelor's degree in psychology? #psychology #clinical

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Sabine May 23, 2016 1332 views

What are your recommendations to have in a cover letter?

What information should be included, how long should it be, and what is the main goal? #resume #cover-letters

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Sabine May 23, 2016 1446 views

What courses would you recommend every student should take before proceeding further with my job search?

Classes that people hiring for jobs or internships would be impressed to see an applicant has taken #business #engineering #law #marketing #economics

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Sabine May 23, 2016 1341 views

What educational preparation would you recommend for someone who wants to advance in the law field?

What level of education, what degrees are beneficial? #law

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Sabine May 23, 2016 1014 views

What kind of career could I have with a Psychology major?

Interested in the field and seeing the various areas of expertise one can have. Also what types of schooling beyond a bachelor's degree could help? #psychology #law #clinical

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Sabine May 23, 2016 975 views

How Should I Prepare for an Internship Interview?

I am applying to internships for this summer and I am wondering what questions will be asked in these interviews, what I should ask, what I should wear, etc?