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Louisa, Virginia
3 Questions
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Eve May 24, 2016 1498 views

What exactly does a fashion merchandising degree entitle?

I plan on getting my Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising and Masters in Business Administration. But what exactly can I do with my Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising? #fashion #fashion-merchandising

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Eve May 24, 2016 1037 views

What is a normal day like for a fashion buyer?

I am outsourcing my Bachelor's in Fashion Merchandising and I was wondering what am I going to be doing everyday. #fashion #fashion-merchandising

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Eve May 24, 2016 855 views

Why is a Masters in Fashion Merchandising not availiable?

I want to get a Masters degree, in Business Administration along with Fashion Merchandising. However, colleges only offer a Bachelor's degree in Fashion Merchandising.