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Metter, Georgia
2 Questions
106 Karma

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Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 24, 2016 1313 views

In terms of event advertising, what are some key tips to help promote and increase participant turn-out?

I served as President and Director of Marketing for my Residence Hall Council. As result, I had to make several flyers promoting the events we were hosting. Thanks to some of my prior art and design classes, I had some understanding of what captured people's attentions. However, I knew there...

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 24, 2016 1196 views

How could I incorporate the progressively expanding world of technology into an Recreation and Leisure Services based career?

I am an Outdoor Recreation major. Right now in class, we are heavily debating the fight against technology and outdoor services. I believe that electronic technology is something that we can no longer "fight," but rather embrace and use it to promote other existing aspects of life. What...