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Stanford, California
2 Questions
66 Karma

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Ruth’s Avatar
Ruth May 24, 2016 1200 views

Is it true that the nursing career is heading towards more of a Bachelors degree?

I am currently enrolled in high school and community college. I am taking community college course in order to get a jumpstart in my career as a Registered Nurse; however, I have heard than nurse should have a bachelors degree to at least be considered for a job. On the other hand, I am willing...

Ruth’s Avatar
Ruth May 24, 2016 967 views

What are some abilities needed for a registered nurse that can help you with your average work day?

Hello, my name is Ruth. I would like to know this, for I want to go into the medical field. In addition, I have been pointed more towards nursing, and I would like to know how their abilities allow them to help the peopl that surround them on a daily basis. #college #doctor #career #medicine...