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Hoover, Alabama
2 Questions
122 Karma

Liya’s Career Goals

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Liya’s Avatar
Liya May 27, 2016 1847 views

What's expected of a college student's or a recent graduate's resume?

Like most people my age, I have a very sad little resume. I dont have the foundation of experience or time to include a long list of impressive accomplishments, work experience and skills. Most of what I have isn't relevant to part time jobs or internships I apply for and I'm still including...

Liya’s Avatar
Liya May 27, 2016 1427 views

Is it a good idea to get a journalism degree if you're not so sure you want to be a journalist?

My college has a great journalism major, but I'm not sure yet if I want to stick with journalism as my career path. I know I want to do something writing-related, but that could include newspapers, magazines, scripts, blogging, publishing, editing, even copyediting is something I'm interested...