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Lakewood, California
2 Questions
81 Karma

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Caitlin May 27, 2016 1059 views

Should the rigorousness of a job be considered for when choosing a career?

Ever since 3rd grade, I have put myself in more rigorous academic situations (specifically Gifted and Talent and the International Baccalaureate Program) and I respond well to hard work. Will all of the difficult courses I have been taking, I started to look at jobs that require a lot more...

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Caitlin May 27, 2016 1090 views

What do you suggest doing when the majors you're interested in are vastly different and require very different schooling?

I am interested in early education or being a pediatrician. I do not know what type of schooling I'll be able to afford and do not have enough basis to make a decision likely until a few years into college. Unfortunately, these two majors seem to require extremely different schooling and I do...