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Jess Petrovic’s Avatar

Jess Petrovic

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
3 Answers
5898 Reads
1 Karma

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Noah’s Avatar
Noah Mar 23, 2023 753 views

Should I get an accountant?

I do not know how to pay taxes, and I was wondering if an accountant is reasonable when I don't have that much knowledge on how to pay them in the first place.

Armine’s Avatar
Armine Apr 28, 2023 3019 views

When is CPA mandatory?

Do I have to get a CPA certificate to work as an accountant? Are ACCA and CPA certificates interchangeable?

Eric’s Avatar
Eric May 17, 2023 2182 views

How can I find a part-time accounting job while attending college?

Im currently an accounting student at Santa Monica College transferring to a four-year university this fall 2023. I have completed both Financial and Managerial accounting courses and information systems courses that emphasize Microsoft Excel.