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San Jose, California
3 Questions
111 Karma

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Teresa Aug 14, 2023 952 views

Any advice about becoming a psychiatrist?

Was the subject hard for you or easy? What advice would you give someone that you wish you knew? What are the requirements for a psychologist? Why did you become a psychologist? What tools helped you or you wished you had in order to be successful? What does a normal day look like as a...

Teresa’s Avatar
Teresa Aug 14, 2023 2302 views

Any advice about becoming a medical assistant?

What subject I must take to be a medical assistant? What is something that you wish to tell me that you wish you had known sooner? What tools would I need while studying to become a medical assistant? What does a normal day for a medical assistant look like?

Teresa’s Avatar
Teresa Aug 14, 2023 1207 views

Any advice that you have for people still studying to become a dermatologist?

Hello,my name is Teresa. I am a student wanting to study to become a dermatologist. Is there anything different from what you learned in school v.s the real world? Is there any advice that you have for people still studying to become a dermatologist? What subject do I need to study in order to...