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Arlington, Virginia
2 Questions
126 Karma

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Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Aug 12, 2016 1282 views

Is Filmmaking a risky career path for minority?

The reason I ask this question is because I want to know if a minority who have an accent have a chance to be successful in this line of business. I have a accent and I been having second thought about this career choice. #business #language #film-production #film-making

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Aug 12, 2016 1832 views

Do I choose a career that would certainly provide an acceptable income or a career that I love but may not go well?

It been 3 years since I left my island and moved to US to have more opportunity. I love filmmaking, special effect since I was a kid and I would like to have a career in filmmaking. The reason I ask this question is because I want to know if doing a job I love is more important than the risk of...