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Arlington, Virginia
3 Questions
106 Karma

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Caleb Aug 22, 2016 1469 views

How to become a college football coach?

I'm asking because I'd like to be one and lack the knowledge on what to major in and what experience to have and what college to attend and where to start etc.
#sports #sports-management #coaching #college-recruiting #coaching-football

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Caleb Aug 18, 2016 1278 views

What should I major in to become a sports agent? What skill set is needed? Also, what is a day as a sports agent like?

I'd love to become a sports agent, however, I don't know the best steps or what its like. How do you get noticed and picked up as an agent? What are the best schools and a target ACT score?
Thanks to all those who answer! #sports-management #sports-marketing #sports-agent

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Caleb Aug 17, 2016 1668 views

What is the best way to be noticed by professional soccer teams?

I have played soccer my entire life and have won quite a few awards because of it. However, I still have not seen anything from a soccer academy or Jr. club. I am now wondering what is the best way to promote yourself and be noticed? Also, is it better to attain a college education before...