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Kenilworth, Illinois
2 Questions
106 Karma

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MacClement’s Avatar
MacClement Aug 21, 2016 1346 views

How to improve spanish skills if there are few native speakers in my area?

I have been studying and learning Spanish since Kindergarten and am reaching a point that requires true interaction with native speakers to improve further. I regularly read the news in Spanish and as a result my reading skills are quite good but my speaking and listening skills are...

MacClement’s Avatar
MacClement Aug 21, 2016 1268 views

How to make connections as an intern on a political campaign?

I am an intern on a political campaign, making calls for about 16 hours a week. In addition to this I participate in other events such as weekend canvassing from time to time. What is a good way to make sure that I make a positive and memorable impact on the political operatives or even...