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Chris Gutierrez’s Avatar

Chris Gutierrez

2 Answers
2786 Reads
1 Karma
Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Oct 11, 2023 2038 views

How would you start your own business?

Im 14 and I really want to have my own business when I'm older but I don't know where to start.

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Oct 11, 2023 714 views

What do I do if I am not doing well in my classes because my teachers are giving too much work?

Yes, I get it, I'm a Junior, but it is way too much for me because I have things out of school going on and it is just a lot to think about when I have things going on outside of school. At my school, we have this thing called Advisory where we take a period in our day to work on assignments,...