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Milpitas, California
2 Questions
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Heaven Nov 03, 2023 13342 views

What path can I take if I want to go into dermatology but the years for education are shorter?

I want to be able to get into dermatology but I am struggling to commit because I do not want to go through 12-14 years of education. Are there any other roles similar to dermatology that require fewer years? I am not interested in estheticians, however

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Heaven Nov 03, 2023 2938 views

How can you figure out what path to take when getting into the medical field?

As someone who wants to get into the medical field, I am still unsure on what career path to take. How would I know what path I should take in such as big field? I am personally interested in dermatology, however, I am unsure if I want to go through med school.