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Sumeet Gupta’s Avatar

Sumeet Gupta

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
New York, New York
3 Answers
2311 Reads
1 Karma

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David’s Avatar
David Oct 17 738 views

How can I decide on fully committing to a career in electrical engineering?

Im a junior in high school and im still undecisive in what i want to major in. However, ive been thinking about electrical engineering because it involves math which is my strongest subject.

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Oct 16 408 views

How can I find the best job for me ?

12th grade was the last grade I was in.

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Nov 17, 2023 1758 views

What's the smartest thing to do during a gap year to help with college in the coming future?

What's the smartest thing to do during a gap year to help with college ?