Kasey Clement
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how to decide on a future career?
I'm having trouble deciding on what career path to go into for my lifelong job, but I cant seem to decide which path to go down.. is there a little hack or something to reduce my options so I can pick one?

How do I make goals for myself in highschool to prepare me for college ?
I am 17 years old and I have plenty of opportunities. I have an internship with an animal hospital and I am financially stable. For some reason I cannot figure out what I want to do or create any goals for myself and this has become a problem. It’s slowing me down in school work because I see...

How do I go about applying the skills I have learned?
What type of job combines analytics, online business, brand designing, marketing, market researching, email marketing, and blogging? I have some experience in all those areas and do it during my free time for fun and I've used so many different resources that have tought me at least base level...