Sarah’s Career Goals
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What are some types of careers that involve investigation?
I am more concerned with careers in the criminal justice field, but any careers would help me make a decision #career #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #investigations

What are the requirements to be a fraud investigator?
I am interested in doing fraud investigations and I've research the job description, but nothing is really giving me an exact answer. The answers I'm interested in are about: Do you have to be a police officer? Does extent knowledge in math required? #prosecution

Do you have to be a police officer to be a Crime Scene Investigator and what is the job description?
I am really considering to be a crime scene investigator, but I really would not like to be a police officer. I've research many descriptions of the job, but none have given me a straight forward answer. Can someone please help me understand? #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #forensic...

I want to be a detective, but I do not want to be a police officer. Are there any other investigative careers in criminal justice?
I have always liked investigation and now being a senior in Highschool I need to know the route that I am going. I want to be involved in Criminal Justice and I want to be a detective. I look at other options like forensics, but I do not want to behind the counter. I want to be in the field...