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Aqueelah Hameed’s Avatar

Aqueelah Hameed

Coord-Bus/Gov Cus Ops
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
3 Answers
10740 Reads
1 Karma

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Tamiya’s Avatar
Tamiya Dec 30, 2016 2077 views

When you have an video interview, what is the appropriate dress attire?

I had a video interview before, and I was dressed extremely business professional. The interviewer only told me I didn't have to dress professionally since it was a video chat. I would like to know the appropriate dress attire you all would recommend?


Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 20, 2016 2113 views

What is the most important thing about college?

I just want to know people's thoughts on what they think about college. #college

Ali’s Avatar
Ali May 08, 2016 6525 views

How did you choose what company to work for?

I am interested in a job in technology, but i'm not sure how to go about deciding what company to work for. How did you pick the company you are working at? What factors did you take into consideration? #technology