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Arlington, Texas
2 Questions
101 Karma

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Mira Oct 18, 2016 804 views

Is it worth all the college years spent to become a doctor?

I'm aiming to be in the medical field and i was wondering if its worth all the years that id be spending in becoming one. Everyone that I've talked to either tells me yes it'll all be worth it in the end, but other say that ill be wasting the young years of my life away. #doctor #nurse...

Mira’s Avatar
Mira Oct 18, 2016 2311 views

What type of degree is needed to be a computer technician?

I was wondering what type of degree or if i even need to go to college for this profession, but i've tried looking it up on many occupations but i dont get the answer i'm looking for. #computer-science #computer-software #computer-hardware