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Greenwood, Indiana
2 Questions
31 Karma

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Jenna Oct 19, 2016 872 views

Is it best to move to the east coast to find more experience for the job I want?

Since I want to help more exotic animals, should I move to the east coast to possibly get experience helping ocean life and mammals that live in the area? #veterinary #marine-biology #animal-health #marine-mammals #animal-conservation

Jenna’s Avatar
Jenna Oct 19, 2016 958 views

If I want to medically assist exotic animals in the future, where is the best place to go to learn how to do so?

This is what I want to do when I am older, so I need to know where I can get the best education so I can do the best job possible. #veterinarian #veterinary #veterinary-medicine #marine-biology #animal-health #animal-rescue #animal-conservation #animal-welfare