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Brittany’s Avatar


Amargosa Valley, Nevada
2 Questions
71 Karma

Brittany’s Career Goals

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Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Oct 20, 2016 846 views

Which is better, to go to a school which has a prestigious name and accumulate debt, or go far from home and the school be less prestigious?

Both of the schools have amazing programs, but my mother worries about me going too far. I don't want to accumulate too much debt though, so which should be more important to me? #university #school #tuition #distance #prestige

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Oct 20, 2016 992 views

Would I be looked down upon for majoring in physics rather than engineering?

My school was visited by a recruiter for a college, but they only have Physics. I know this school would fit me well, and it would be relatively inexpensive, but I don't want to not be hired due to my major being physics rather than a specific type of engineering. #engineering #college-major...