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Lincoln, Nebraska
2 Questions
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Maria Oct 23, 2016 897 views

What is being a physical therapist like?

I want to become a physical therapist. However, Google can only tell you so much about what that would be like! I'd like to hear from some people who have worked as a physical therapist before. How well does it pay? What's it like? Do you feel satisfied that you've made a difference in someone...

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Maria Oct 23, 2016 1397 views

What all do I need to do to become a physical therapist?

I've researched this topic quite a bit, but most of what I've found has been confusing. I'm the kind of person who likes a checklist, but the information I've gathered for this is all catty-wompus! (Excuse my old sayings...) #career-choice #physical-therapist #physical-therapy