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Colin Dembovsky’s Avatar

Colin Dembovsky

Solution Engineering
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Spring, Texas
2 Answers
1613 Reads
1 Karma

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Darren’s Avatar
Darren Jun 21, 2016 1759 views

Computer Programming. Where to go, what to do?

Hi! My name is Darren. I want to pursue a career in computer programming but I don't know where to start. What are the first few steps I should take? I know that a first computer language is needed but I don't know which would be the most effective or the easiest. (Java, C++, ect...) What...

Elliot’s Avatar
Elliot Mar 06, 2023 1741 views

What are the main responsibilities of a web developer?

What are some day-to-day tasks a web developer might perform?