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DUSKO sound’s Avatar

DUSKO sound

Audio Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
2 Answers
2487 Reads
11 Karma

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Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Apr 24, 2024 1120 views

How can I somehow mix my passion for music with a career that is financially sound #Spring24?

I just began learning music theory and instruments and i may want to pursue a career in this maybe teaching #Spring24

Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin Apr 25, 2024 1481 views

How can I get started with making music?

I'm a freshman in HS & I want to pursue music production as a possible career in college, does anyone know how I can get an early start on that? I love music, specifically rap (hip-hop & R&B too), and I was wondering if anyone knew any good websites that I could get started on with making...