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2 Questions
111 Karma

Jennifer’s Career Goals

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Jennifer Oct 25, 2016 858 views

Where can I learn high level Objective C for free?

I'm currently working as an intern in a company that is using Objective C but I don't know a lot of Objective C. To be more exact I would like a course that teaches me how to use Objective C to draw a the front end of a phone application. I had been depending on Code School and Code Academy to...

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Jennifer Oct 25, 2016 1358 views

How do you know if you would love a programming career?

Hi, I'm currently a student considering a major in computer science. I love programming and have done it since I was a child (literally child, started in 5th grade) but I recently applied and started working at a start-up company and have been hating it. I can't tell if this is because I am in...