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Abby’s Avatar


Los Angeles, California
4 Questions
346 Karma

Abby’s Career Goals

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Abby’s Avatar
Abby Oct 27, 2016 4014 views

What types of jobs are available for someone interested in macroeconomics vs microeconomics?

Interested in macroeconomics but curious about both #economics #macro-economics #microeconomics

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Oct 27, 2016 4215 views

What questions should I be asking during an interview?

I am a second year college student hoping to interview for an internship soon. #internships #interviews #recruiting #interview-questions #job-application

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Abby Oct 27, 2016 1438 views

What are some unnecessary items people put on their resumes?

I am applying to internships and want my resume to look good. What can I leave out? #resume #recruiting #resume-writing #linkedin

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Abby Oct 27, 2016 1425 views

Is it important that my major correlates with my preferred career?

I am a second year and still undeclared because my university doesn't offer marketing. Is communications a closely related topic? #marketing #communications #recruiting