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3 Questions
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Myles May 29, 2024 602 views

What jobs in law enforcement, have a mix of physical and mental labor?

If there's an in between in law enforcement where I can be physical and dormant doing computer work will fit my style of work perfectly. I like to have a balance between the two, so I'm not lacking heavily in one department than the other.

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Myles May 29, 2024 646 views

How does one manage juggle two jobs as a nurse and someone involved in law enforcement?

I'm interested in Nursing and law enforcement, but I don't know how to come buy it because I'm interested in both occupations. If there's any way to manage both occupations any information woul be helpful.

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Myles May 29, 2024 566 views

How do I become involved in law enforcement?

I am 21 years old and I'm interested in law enforcement because I have many family members in it, I just don't know where to start with my career.