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Dorr, Michigan
2 Questions
131 Karma

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Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Oct 30, 2016 977 views

Do you see a lot of cross-over in the areas of expertise of people with different Earth Science degrees?

There are many different degrees relating to Earth Science, like Geophysics, Applied or Near-Surface Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geology, pure Earth Science, etc, and different colleges offer different ones. I know that there are technically differences between them, but I also know that...

Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Oct 30, 2016 992 views

Do political and industrial motives significantly influence the types of research conducted by Geophysicists and the impacts of the results they find?

I have always been interested in the environment and especially in geology. The amount of information that an experienced geologist can deduce from aspects of the local strata and environment is amazing to me, and I want to use that information to help people live safely and harmoniously...