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Roanoke, Virginia
2 Questions
151 Karma

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Elisabeth’s Avatar
Elisabeth Oct 31, 2016 2374 views

Should I choose a major in something I'm good at? Or something I would like to learn more about?

I could develop my talents by majoring in something I'm already good at, but I would also like to learn new things. I'm good at journalism and advertising type things, but I would like to learn more about biology and computer science. #computer-science #biology #marketing #journalism...

Elisabeth’s Avatar
Elisabeth Oct 31, 2016 1332 views

How much computer science experience do I need before I decide to major in that in college?

I want to major in computer science because I think it's a really cool subject and I want to learn more, but I feel like I don't have as much experience as everyone else who majors in that. I'm in AP computer science right now and I'm getting it as I go along, but everyone else in the class is...