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Atlanta, Georgia
3 Questions
146 Karma

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elissa Oct 31, 2016 1178 views

Blushes, Shadows, and Bronzers Oh My!

What would you study in college if you wanted to make cosmetics? #engineering #biology #chemistry #stem #women-in-stem #makeup #cosmetics #mac

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elissa Oct 31, 2016 1023 views

STEM Questions and Concerns

Since engineering is such a broad field of study, how would you find the type of engineering for you? #engineering #stem #stem-education

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elissa Oct 31, 2016 1365 views

Gap Years: Are they worth the hype?

The New York Times discussed Malia Obama's contribution to a 'growing and expensive' gap year trend. Is a gap year a good decision for students who want to learn what life has to offer or is it just a waste of time? Taking into account that a student would do some type of volunteering or...