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2 Questions
166 Karma

Brittanie’s Career Goals

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Brittanie’s Avatar
Brittanie Oct 31, 2016 1107 views

I need tips or suggestions on how to budget at home business from separate personal finances

I wish to start a business but I don't want to mix up finance between personal and business. Or can you just put the money in your personal account if your the only employee doing the work? #accounting #financial-accounting #taxes #tax

Brittanie’s Avatar
Brittanie Oct 31, 2016 1435 views

What is the best way to go about getting a job in payroll?

I wish to get an accounting degree but I plan on getting another degree tooo start my own business, but I want a job doing payroll for companies or restaurants in meantime while obtaining my degree hopefully. I am looking for ideas to possibly make myself stand out and more likely to get...