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Mindy Day’s Avatar

Mindy Day

Community Manager at Imgur
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
California, California
2 Answers
1582 Reads
46 Karma

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Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 788 views

What are senior community managers called?

In the community management career "path", what are the job titles for the more senior people? Is this stable or is it changing, and how? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community...

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Nov 02, 2016 815 views

Are community management internships common? If not, how can I get relevant experience while I’m still in school?

If they *are* common, what tips do you have for how intern candidates can stand out for the internships? Is there something they can do to go "above and beyond" to show the characteristics and personality traits you're looking for in your interns? _This is part of a question series for CMX...