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Doylestown, Pennsylvania
3 Questions
306 Karma

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Megan’s Avatar
Megan Dec 05, 2016 1349 views

When would be the ideal time to obtain an MBA?

I am a sophomore accounting major who has the potential to get an MBA right after I graduate as an undergrad, or I could wait a few years and go for it after I have gained some experience in the workplace. Which one would you say is more beneficial? #business #finance #accounting...

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Megan Dec 02, 2016 1708 views

What types of questions should I expect in an interview?

I am a sophomore accounting major wondering how I should prepare for an interview. What types of questions do interviewers normally ask? Also, should I prepare questions to ask them about the business? #college #business #internships #interviews #job-application

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Megan Dec 02, 2016 1312 views

How do you recommend to build your resume?

I am a sophomore accounting major and want to build my resume and LinkedIn profile. Do you have any tips or things to include in a resume? Additionally, do you have any ways to go about getting some of these positions? #business #accounting #internships #resume-writing #evaluating-resumes...