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Indiana, Indiana
3 Questions
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Madison Jan 19, 2017 2848 views

Zoology schedule

If you are to work as a zoology. What is the time you come and leave work? Are there different times depending on your location and company? #work #zoology #schedule

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Madison Jan 12, 2017 703 views

Do zoologists dicide if they can work in the field?

I would like to work Hands on with wild animals and outdoors. I am not looking to work in a lab for most of the time

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Madison Jan 09, 2017 1136 views

What must you do to be a zoologist that works outdoors with animals?

I am wondering. Once you decide that you will become a zoologist. Do you get to decide if you work out doors? If so. What things will you do as you work in the field and make contact with animals? #animals #zoology #zoologist #outdoors