Bria’s Career Goals
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As an event planner, how do you go about gaining and keeping customers?
I am a junior in high school, and I am thinking about becoming an event planner. I was wondering how event planners, go about attracting customers and how you keep them coming back. #event-planning #event-management #coordinating-events #wedding-planner #meeting-planner #event-marketing

How long does it take to plan an event?
I am a junior in high school, looking into becoming an event planner. I was wondering how long, on average in takes to plan an event. #event-planning #event-management #coordinating-events #wedding-planner #meeting-planner

What type of events are the hardest to plan and why?
I am a junior in high school, and I have been thinking about becoming an event planner. I was wondering which types of events would be the best to plan and what are the most challenging ones and why? #hospitality #event-planning #event-management #coordinating-events #wedding-planner...