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Jason Harris’s Avatar

Jason Harris

Critical Care and Emergency Department Nurse
Healthcare Support Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Houston, Texas
3 Answers
6782 Reads
1 Karma

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Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra Jan 17, 2018 5092 views

What are the most important qualities to have to be a successful flight nurse?

I have found a strong passion for flight nursing and what to know if I would be a good fit for the career before the 3-5 years of training and classes. #flight-nurse #nursing #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Mar 19, 2018 1038 views

How do you choose a specialty in nursing?

Do specialties make you more or less attractive to prospective employers? Do you choose based on interest, availability, pay, or other aspects?
#nursing #nurse #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

maria’s Avatar
maria Mar 22, 2017 1288 views

Are there different requirements to be a pediatric nurse instead of a general nurse?

Im interested in being a nurse yet i really would love to be a pediatric nurse and i just want to know if there are other requirement or classes ill need to take. #doctor #medicine #nursing #nurse #pediatrics #surgery #pediatric-nursing #hospital-and-health-care