Vania Benavides
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What should my major be as an undergrad if I want to attend medical school?
What major would be best to have as an undergraduate if I later want to attend medical school? Would it be something like biology, chemistry, or biochemistry? Or include something like psychology or sociology? Double majors and dual-degrees would be an option, but what do med school...

Is it worse to be too friendly or not friendly enough?
Just wondering! #business #medicine #teaching #healthcare #law #marketing-and-advertising #customer-service

What are some other careers I could get by receiving my Sociology degree in Women's studies?
I've always been interested in Sociology and when I took my 101 class there was a brief discussion of gender and feminism and ever since then I have wanted to take the class specific to Gender and Women's studies. I find it interesting because of how different views can be. If I pursue a degree...

How does a university differ from a community college?
I really don't know the difference so I'm looking for some specific answers. thanks! #nursing #university #community-college