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3 Questions
61 Karma

Lyla’s Career Goals

I want to get into a college with one of the best criminology and psychology departments in the nation so I can get the most in depth information on my potential career choice of a criminal psychologist. I want to get an internship in a place that houses the criminally insane so I can start my studies and be hands-on.


Lyla’s Avatar
Lyla Oct 01 274 views

What school is the best for criminology and psychology?

As a sophomore in high school, I've started touring colleges and doing research on their different departments. I would like input from someone who is already in the field on their school choice and potential choices that will best set me up for success.

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Lyla Oct 01 152 views

What are some jobs that will allow me to study and work with the criminally insane?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm very intrigued with the minds of criminals and I'm curious to get to the "why?" of crimes and how their minds work. I want to get an internship eventually and I don't know where to start looking or what place I would be working at.

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Lyla Oct 01 101 views

What is the success rate of a criminal psychologist?

I am a sophomore in high school interested in majoring in criminology and minoring in psychology. I'm curious about whether or not people actually make good livings in this field and if it's worth it to get into.