Caleb’s Career Goals
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I have two jobs and I don't know witch one to pick
Hi i'm Caleb and my dad has a job that I wont to do but I also wont to develop soft ware how can I pick witch one #software-development #jobs #career-counseling #career-development

When I make software and people get angry how should I deal with that?
Hi I'm am Caleb and people get mad at me and I try and calm them down but it doesn't work how can I manage this? #software-development #people-management

how can you releaf strees when working
Hi I am Caleb and I get stressed out a lot and I need help when working how can I get stres release easy during working #stress-management

How fit do you have to be for a software developer
I am a 6th grader and i'm really good at developing software it's easy to do this so all I need is to and I can but I need to know only because I think I am getting fat and I need to know how fit do you have to be. #software-development