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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
11 Questions
496 Karma

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Chun Mar 13, 2018 788 views

What do nurses in Canada do?

I wasn't from Canada and I found that the nurses in my homeland do the completely different work from the nurses in Canada do. I feel that nurses in Canada are more like doctors in my homeland. But I am not so sure about what nurses in Canada do. Could anyone give my some example of nurses'...

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Chun Mar 20, 2017 932 views

What program am I supposed to choose if I want to learn clinical medicine in university?

There are health science program and pure & applied science in college. Which one should I choose if I want to be a clinical doctor? #medicine #college-major #major #clinical

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Chun Mar 20, 2017 1364 views

What does nutritionist do and what does they need to learn?

I am thinking about being a nutritionist in the future. I wander what is their job and what do I need to learn to become a nutritionist? #career-counseling #dietitian #nutritionist #clinical-nutrition

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Chun Mar 20, 2017 2170 views

How can I accumulate work experience?

Now many recruitments require work experience. I wander as a college student, how I can accumulate work experience? #job #job-search #college-jobs #first-job #job-market

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Chun Mar 20, 2017 1546 views

Which majors in the universities in Canada are the most famous?

I've heard that every university has its most famous and the best major. For example, medicine is the best major in McGill University. So I wander which majors are the best in those better universities in Canada. #university #major #college-major #college

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Chun Mar 20, 2017 969 views

How to improve my language level?

I am an international student and my mother language is not English neither French. And this really influences my grate and life. How to improve language efficiently? #language #language-skills #improve #personal-development

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Chun Mar 19, 2017 1183 views

How long does it take people to become a doctor?

I am in secondary 4 right now and I want to be a doctor. How long will it take me to finish the college and medical university in Canada especially in the province of Quebec? And what will I learn in those years?
Thank you! #college #medicine #education #university #medical-education

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Chun Mar 19, 2017 836 views

Which college and university have the best medicine major?

I want to learn medicine in the future. I wander which college and university have better medicine education the Canada or especially in the province of Quebec. Thank you ! #college #college-major #university #major #medical-education

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Chun Mar 19, 2017 1188 views

What are all kinds of jobs about medicine?

I want to learn medicine in the future. Are there any other jobs related to medicine except for doctor and nursing? #medicine #college-major #university #career-counseling #job #choosing-a-major #profession

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Chun Mar 15, 2017 798 views

Which universities accept foreign students to study medicine ?

The following sentences are taken from Government of Canada "Can I choose any program of study I want at a Canadian institution? You have access to most of them, but not all. Some are “closed” or subject to quotas (as is the case in Medicine, Physiotherapy, Dentistry and...

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Chun Mar 11, 2017 1780 views

How can an international student study medicine in Canada?

I am an international student who is now studying in Montreal. I want to be a doctor. But I've heart that Canada doesn't allow international student to study clinical medicine unless he becomes a permanent resident of Canada. Is that true? If it is true, what should I do? #college #doctor...