Perla’s Career Goals
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Will an AP test score (+3) push a low score on ACT when applying for college?
I'm taking an AP Spanish class and I was told if I get a three, four or a five as a score on the exam colleges will look at that more then if I get a low score on the ACT. #ap #spanish #act #score

What are the process of getting into the CIA?
I'm interested, but I don't know the process. What classes should I focus and take in college to pursue that? #federal-government #cia

can i become a lawyer then become part of the CIA?
I want to be a lawyer, but then I want to become part of CIA. Investigate bigger problems. I got interested to become part of the CIA after watching the movie called ARGO. A summary of the movie is that the main character, Tony Mendez, is part of the CIA. A situation came across to rescue six...