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Ismael R. Brown’s Avatar

Ismael R. Brown

New York, New York
3 Answers
1909 Reads
1 Karma

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Jazzy’s Avatar
Jazzy Jan 14 716 views

What can I do to impress collage recruiters that are going to watch me play soccer?

I'm going to a soccer showcase in front of a lot of collage recruiters and would like some tips and tricks about how to impress them.

saira’s Avatar
saira Jan 17 774 views

If I plan on getting a degree in accounting, should I take pre-calculus or AP stats in senior year?

Also what other classes should I take in senior year?

chloe’s Avatar
chloe Jan 17 966 views

What is te best way to advertise a business

If you're starting a business and want to get the word around, what would be the most efficient way to do this ?