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Norfolk, Virginia
2 Questions
124 Karma

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Rushal’s Avatar
Rushal Mar 31, 2017 4353 views

Why does a transformer work only with AC power supply? What would happen if it was connected to a DC power supply?

From my understanding of how a transformer works. A AC power provides an alternating magnetic field which drives the current to the other coil. So what is the reason why transformers only work with AC and not DC power? Is it because the DC power will provide constant current which can be too...

Rushal’s Avatar
Rushal Mar 27, 2017 1342 views

How can one decide which Mechanical Engineering job is best suited for him/her?

I took an auto-cad class last semester which got me interested in designing and modeling, but I'm also interested in mechanical aspect of the field which is working hands-on. So how would I go about choosing which field is better suited for me. #mechanical-engineering #information-technology...