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Nancy B. Mendoza’s Avatar

Nancy B. Mendoza

High School College Counselor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Los Angeles, California
3 Answers
7589 Reads
76 Karma

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Stephanie ’s Avatar
Stephanie Feb 10, 2017 2536 views

What are some great careers for a history major other than teaching?

I really don't want to be a teacher but I love history so much, & I don't want to make below teacher salary either. #college-major #higher-education #history #historical-research #financial-planning

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Dec 26, 2016 4207 views

Which university is better USC or UCLA and what are the pros and cons of both?

At the moment the most appealing choices I have are USC and UCLA so I want to know which one is better and if that can't be determined what are the pros and cons of each weighed against each other. This is mainly for curiosity's sake but I am also genuinely interested in the matter. #university...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Apr 03, 2017 997 views

What do you do in Community College?

Due to financial situations, I will most likely be going to either Santa Monica, LA, or Pasadena Community College. However, I do not want to waste time and make sure I spend time making sure i can transfer into UCLA during my 3rd year. What should I do to make sure I'm setting up my future?...