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Charlotte, North Carolina
7 Questions
391 Karma

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Physician assistant


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Krystal Jul 17, 2018 901 views

Which medical career have lots of job opportunity and stable income in 10 years ?

I’m having a hard time decindigg which major or career to pursue . Please give me some suggestion and advice #careers #careers #career-choice #career #career-counseling #jobs #medicalfield

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Krystal Jul 17, 2018 836 views

Which medical career have lots of job opportunity and stable income in 10 years ?

I’m having a hard time decindigg which major or career to pursue . Please give me some suggestion and advice #careers #careers #career-choice #career #career-counseling #jobs #medicalfield

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Krystal May 10, 2018 1095 views

If nurse doesn’t work out for me which medical field would fit me

After clinical in nursing I don’t find myself being a nurse would becoming pharmacist possible . Is there any other medical field that you cN suggest ? Thank you #medicine #pharmacist #career-counseling #nursing #pharmacy #healthcare

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Krystal Aug 19, 2016 1102 views

Which career pharmacist , nurse practitioner, physician assistant , and nurse anesthetist will be high demand high pay in the future?

I'm thinking between pharmacist , nurse practitioner, physician assistant , and nurse anesthetist career options that will fit my lifestyle but I don't know which career will be in high demand . #nurse #job-search #pharmacists #job-market #choosing-a-major #demand-forecasting

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Krystal Apr 13, 2016 2138 views

Which medical jobs are in high demand for next 10 years and have good pay?

career deciding #medicine #job #careers

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Krystal Dec 19, 2015 6629 views

Which career would fit me if I'm good at math and human anatomy & physiology but not organic chemistry ?

I'm still having a hard time to decide which career in healthcare would fit me . Any suggestion would be appreciate. #career #medicine #major

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Krystal Apr 11, 2014 3226 views

What major should I take to fulfill both career of pharmacist and nurse anesthetist?

To help me decide which major to take in college #college #college-major #advisor