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Cynthia Boyton’s Avatar

Cynthia Boyton

Contract Specialist at NASA Ames Research Center
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
2 Answers
3281 Reads
1 Karma

Tags on answered questions

Alayna’s Avatar
Alayna May 24, 2016 2538 views

What kind of nonprofit jobs do you need a masters degree for?

I am hoping to go into the nonprofit sector and want to know if I will need to get my masters. #nonprofits

Hilda’s Avatar
Hilda May 27, 2016 1093 views

To create a non-profit organization combating hunger through sustainable agriculture, what area of study would be most relevant? Business management, agriculture, sustainability and nutrition all factor in, but which is the best approach?

In many parts of the world there is an extreme shortage of nutritious food and simultaneously very little practice of environmentally sustainable agriculture. A non-profit organization specialized in farming could perhaps kill two birds with one stone. #nonprofits #agriculture #public-health...